Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ladies Night at the Movie Theater

I went to go see Dear John tonight at the movie theater in Luxembourg City. It was ladies night so I figured they would have a special deal on prices or something, but we actually got a cheaper price and we were all given a free mini bottle of champagne as well as a goodie bag. The Luxembourgers know how to take care of their ladies. The movie was sad but really good. I liked it better than all of the other Nicholas Sparks movies. It was a big deal that Dear John was playing because it wasn't supposed to make its way to Luxembourg until this coming summer but they played it for ladies night and then I think they're bringing it back in the summer.
Also, we got off at the wrong bus stop on our way to the movie, but it actually turned out to be a good thing because we stumbled upon a really nice mall with a huge grocery store. Rumor has it, the grocery has an American aisle with American food. I will definitely be going back there to check it out.

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